The Neuron Base Board from Mistral is a range of feature-rich, performance-oriented carrier board for the NVIDIA Jetson series, namely, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX SoMs. The NVIDIA Jetson Platform is a comprehensive suite of hardware and software solutions designed to enable the development of artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge. This NVIDIA Jetson Development Platform is used to develop and test software in a pre-production environment. Our range of NVIDIA Jetson module or NVIDIA Jetson Platform are designed for deployment in a production environment throughout their operating lifetime. This NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit is available in multiple variants in combination with any of the NVIDIA Jetson modules (either the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX) forming a powerful NVIDIA Jetson development platform. The Neuron Base Board is designed to enable all the functional features of NVIDIA Jetson development platform and aids faster product development and prototyping. This NVIDIA Jetson platform is ideal for developing AI and robotics products.
NVIDIA Jetson Platform (NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit)
The Neuron Base Board from Mistral is a small, powerful computer that lets you run multiple neural networks in parallel for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing. Mistral’s range of Neuron Base Board delivers the compute performance to run modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications at unprecedented power and cost. Developers can now AI algorithms and models for image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing applications.
The NVIDIA Jetson Development Platform based on the Neuron Board are available in two variants namely, NB Basic and NB Turbo with several add-on modules to choose from. The NB Turbo or NVIDIA Jetson Development Platform (Turbo) is the higher variant with more functional features and interfaces such as GMSL, FPD Link III, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, BT5.0, Bluetooth and 9-axis IMU Sensors in addition to all features in NB Basic. The Neuron Base Board is also available in combination with NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX SOMs. With its highly optimized form-factor, performance-rich I/Os and software support, Mistral’s NVIDIA Jetson Platform offers a flexible and scalable platform to get products to market faster at reduced development cost.
NVIDIA Jetson Development Platform
Based on a dual board architecture, the Neuron Base Board can be mated with NVIDIA Jetson Nano / NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX / NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX SoMs over a compatible SODIMM socket. The NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit and Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit are designed to enable all the functional features of NVIDIA Jetson SOMs and aids faster product development and prototyping. This NVIDIA Jetson platform provides I/O accessibility and power to the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Jetson TX2 NX, and Jetson Xavier NX SoMs.
- Neuron Base Board or NVIDIA Jetson Development platform
- Binary Images (Online) – Ubuntu Linux
- Quick Start Guide (Online)
- Software Package and User Manual (Online)