SONAR systems use sound propagation (Ultrasonic waves) to navigate, communicate with or detect and locate objects on or under the surface of the water. When the sound pulse intercepts an object in its path, it bounces off the object and returns an “echo” to the sonar sub-systems, which receive and process the data to determine the range and orientation of the object. SONAR Subsystems are an active component used used for diverse underwater surveillance purposes such as torpedo defense, electronic warfare, and unmanned surveillance.
SONAR Systems
Sonar systems are extensively used for underwater surveillance to protect ships and submarines by detecting enemy torpedoes and subsea vehicles. The acoustic frequencies used in SONAR systems vary from very low to extremely high frequency. There are two types of SONARS – active and passive. Active Sonar systems emit an acoustic signal or pulse of sound into the water and analyze the echo from the objects on its path. Passive SONAR, on the other hand, only detects sound waves coming in its direction.
Mistral has over 25 years of experience in designing SONAR Electronics, SONAR Systems, and Sonar Subsystems for data acquisition and signal processing for applications like diver detection, under water imaging, communications, coastal surveillance, CIS/CMS, synthetic aperture SONAR, surveillance SONAR, towed array depth sonar, twin inverted pulse SONAR and advanced sonobuoys among others. We offer Sonar subsystems for applications such as torpedo defense, manned and unmanned underwater surveillance and electronic warfare. Mistral also offers a wide range of SONAR systems and SONAR electronics subsystems, including Towed, Hull-mounted and Dunking SONARS for underwater warfare and surveillance that meet the demanding needs of the deep-sea environment.
Mistral brings unmatched expertise in designing SONAR systems and subsystems for underwater imaging, sound detection, and ranging. Our Sonar Systems Engineering expertise includes design of transducers, signal processing algorithms, system integration, and overall architecture to achieve precise and reliable detection and characterization of underwater targets. Our Systems Engineering division has architects and builds complex SONAR systems, integrating various subsystems such as transducers, amplifiers, receivers, signal processors, and displays. System integration ensures smooth coordination between these components, enabling efficient data flow, real-time processing, and effective control and display of SONAR information.
SONAR Subsystems Design
Mistral specializes in the design and development of robust, high-performance SONAR systems and subsystems, including underwater transducers, front-end signal conditioning units, signal processors, display systems, and HMIs for optronic systems, among others. Mistral works closely with leading-edge aerospace and defense R&D companies in India and has been actively involved in design and development of indigenous SONAR Electronics and SONAR Subsystems for various applications deployed by the Indian Defense Forces.
Mistral is a CEMILAC certified Research and Development Centre for testing and validation of defense electronics and all our SONAR systems conform to various environmental compliance and EMI/EMC as per JSS55555, MIL STD 810D/G and MIL STD 461E. Our partnership with leading global organizations like Curtiss Wright Defense and Wind River Systems specialized in defense COTS Hardware and Software Products enable us to provide robust hardware designs and safety critical software.
SONAR Electronics
Mistral provides SONAR Electronics and Sub-systems leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to deliver enhanced underwater imaging and detection capabilities. These Sonar Subsystems employ highly sensitive sensors, sophisticated signal processing algorithms, and state-of-the-art electronics design. By emitting sound waves and analyzing their reflections, Sonar Systems can accurately map underwater terrains, detect submerged objects, and even identify marine life. The design of SONAR Electronics focuses on reducing noise, optimizing signal-to-noise ratio, and enhancing overall system performance. Cutting-edge digital signal processing techniques, including adaptive beamforming and target tracking algorithms, ensure accurate target detection and classification.
Mistral offers cutting-edge Embedded SONAR Electronics for critical SONAR subsystems that enable the operation and functionality of SONAR systems. These SONAR Sonar sub-systems are crucial for signal generation, reception, amplification, filtering, modulation, and data processing in underwater acoustics.
Mistral offers custom solutions and engineering services for various SONAR Systems and SONAR sub-systems such as Transmitters, Receivers, Beam Forming, Fire Control System (FCS) and Multi-function Displays. These SONAR subsystems can be implemented for multiple platforms like submarines, carriers, fighters, frigates etc. Mistral designs for underwater Defense, especially SONAR systems and subsystems are Size, Weight, and Performance (SWaP) optimized, in order to deliver a critical operational advantage in the underwater battlespace.
To know more about Mistral’s design and development expertise in SONAR Subsystems, and Sonar Systems we developed for Indian Navy and Defense Labs, write to us.
With over 25 years of experience, Mistral specializes in designing and developing SONAR Electronics and Systems for various applications, including underwater surveillance, diver detection, coastal surveillance, and torpedo defense. Mistral's expertise extends to both active and passive SONAR systems, covering a wide range of acoustic frequencies. We excel in SONAR subsystem design, encompassing transducers, signal processing algorithms, system integration, and architecture. We offer rugged, high-performance systems that conform to stringent environmental and compliance standards.
Hardware Design
- VME and VPX based Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for SONAR systems
- SBCs and DSPs for multi-channel acoustic Data Acquisition and Processing
- 128/256 channel SONAR systems with synchronization of all the channels
- Multi HSU (Hermetically Sealed unit) Synchronization
- Multi-channel data recorders in VME and VPX form factor
- sFPDP, Gigabit Ethernet, 10GbE, and Analog I/O
- Rugged networked data storage for SONAR Systems
- Solid-state: SATA, DTS-NAS; Rotating Media: SATA, SBOD, NAS
Software Development
- Qt based application development for SONAR systems – Control software and display for Data processing, tracking and plotting
- Networked system for high resolution graphical display
- Waterfall, multiple waterfall, Color-code frequency-time, plan position indicator displays
- Real-time and playback display option
- VxWorks and Linux BSP and driver development for various I/O devices
- Integration of beam forming and gain algorithms
Application Development
- QT Based UI applications
- Embedded applications for head-less devices
- Database management and web based application
- Algorithm development for Mission critical and safety critical Applications
- Mathematical modeling and simulation
- DSP Algorithm implementation for digital signal processing
- Pulse Compression, DDC, Vector Correlation, Correlatory interferometry
- VxWorks/LynxOS based Applications
System Integration
- Passive Sonar Systems (PSS)
- Intercept Sonar (IS)
- Obstacle Avoidance Sonar (OAS)
- High-frequency SONAR Systems
- Multi-function consoles / Rugged Video Mission Displays with simultaneous video feed
- Environmental compliance as per JSS55555, MIL STD 810D/G and MIL STD 461E
- ATE test set-up

Active/Multibeam transmitters for generating/emitting sound waves, to detect objects, map seafloor, and navigate underwater. Our designs meet the requirements of output power, frequency, beam pattern, and signal duration, to ensure optimal performance.

Beam Forming
Beamforming designs that help focus the transmitted/received signals in a specific direction, and ensure increased range and detection sensitivity, improved angular resolution, suppression of unwanted noise and interference and enhanced target localization.

Signal Processing Engines
High-compute signal processing units to process the received acoustic signals, filter out noise, enhance the signals, and extracts relevant information about underwater objects.

Display Systems
SONAR display system designs that render underwater data in a clear and intuitive manner. User-friendly interfaces, real-time visualization, and customizable displays ensure efficient target detection, mapping, and navigation for effective underwater operations.

Command-Control Consoles
Command and Control Consoles that provide real-time data visulization from various systems like electro-optical units, navigation, sonar sub-systems, etc. Our designs enable operators to make crucial decisions, ensuring efficient communication, surveillance, and mission execution.

Diver Detection Systems
Diver Detection Systems that employ advanced sensors and sonar technology to detect and track potential threats, such as enemy divers or underwater vehicles, enhancing security and safeguarding the naval vessel’s perimeter during critical missions.

Rugged and efficient Receivers to detect and analyze acoustic signals under water. Our designs incorporate advanced signal processing techniques to extract echoes, enabling accurate target localization and enhanced underwater exploration capabilities.

Rugged Power Supplies
Rugged, high–performance and SWaP-optimized Power Supply designs for critical SONAR systems that can operate and survive in harsh environmental conditions and meet MIL-STD-704, MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-461 Standards.