Wind River VxWorks Cert Platform
An RTOS platform for safety-critical applications that require DO-178C, IEC 61508, ISO 26262, IEC 62304, or certification evidence in the avionics, industrial automation, transportation, and medical device industries.

VxWorks® Cert Edition provides a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) real-time operating system (RTOS) solution for delivering safety-critical applications that must be certified to the stringent requirements of safety standards, such as RTCA DO-178C and EUROCAE ED-12C software considerations in airborne systems, IEC 61508 industrial functional safety, IEC 62304 medical device safety, and ISO 26262 automotive safety. With VxWorks Cert Edition, you can take full advantage of technological advances in microprocessors that the VxWorks RTOS enables, with the assurance that you will have a strong OS foundation to meet the most demanding safety certification standards.
VxWorks Cert Edition includes the Wind River Workbench development suite, an Eclipse-based collection of tools designed to accelerate time-to-market for developers building VxWorks-based devices. From hardware and board initialization to application development, Workbench provides deep capabilities across the development process in a single, integrated environment with complete platform integration, including powerful tools for debugging, code analysis, and test. Based on the open source Eclipse framework, Workbench can be extended through in-house, third-party, open source, and commercial plug-ins.
In addition to the Workbench Eclipse–based environment, VxWorks Cert Edition provides a comprehensive featured command line build system and debugging tools for your preferred debug environment. These command-line tools can be efficiently integrated into a customized build or automation system. The Workbench development environment helps minimize development costs and manage code complexity, eases tool integration, and enables standardization on a common development foundation across your entire enterprise.
- RTOS platform for safety-critical applications
- Integrated Development Suite - Includes Wind River Workbench and Toolchain
- Tightly coupled to specific hardware
- Object-oriented programming using the VxWorks Cert Edition C++
- Interacts directly with hardware
- Long lifecycle and stateful execution
- Delivers the highest levels of certification evidence for avionics, industrial, automotive and medical systems
- DO-178C and ED-12C Airborne Avionics Safety
- IEC 61508 Industrial Functional Safety
- ISO 26262 Automotive Safety
- IEC 62304 Medical Device Software
- Supports Arm® Cortex®, NXP QorIQ® Architectures