The RZ/G1E SMARC Module developed by Mistral is a small form-factor, high performance module built around 1GHz Renesas RZ/G1E dual ARM® Cortex-A7 microprocessor
- Renesas RZ/G1E ARM ® Cortex-A7 Dual Core MPU
- 82mm x 50mm
- 1GByte DDR3
- 4GByte eMMC
- 314 edge fingers as per SMARC 1.0 standard
- Standard Linux kernel 3.10
The RZ/G1E SMARC Dev Kit is a powerful development platform based on 1GHz Renesas RZ/G1E dual ARM ® Cortex-A7 MPU
consisting of RZ/G1E SMARC module and carrier board.
- Dual ARM ® Cortex-A7 microprocessor
- 1GByte DDR3, 4GByte eMMC and 8MByte SPI Flash (boot source)
- HDMI connector for interfacing HD (1080p) monitors.
- LCD & Touch connector for graphics LCD module (LXD-M7645A)
- MIPI CSI2 Camera module connector for CSI-based camera module (JAL-MIPI-OV5640 V5.0)
- Stereo Line-In/Out on 3.5mm audio jack
- Micro SD card connector for expandable memory
- SDIO card connector for WLAN &BT (SX-SDCAN2-2830) connectivity
- PMOD connector for external BLE module
- Expansion connector supporting UART(SCIF), I2C, SPI (MSIOF), PWM and GPIOs
- 160mm x 110mm
A wide array of custom hardware design and software development services
on Renesas’ RZ/G1E platform easing development
and time-to-market for our customers.
- Product Design Services
- Board Design Services
- System Software
- Audio & Video
- Testing and Validation
- Production Support